Why St. Andrew’s?

We are the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement in the heart of Spokane. Here, you will find a church that…


We believe - as scripture teaches - that, “nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:39) Our lives are a precious gift from God, who made all that is, who we gather to praise and thank each week, and whose fundamental nature is one of love, mercy, and grace.


Each person who walks through our bright red doors is welcomed, respected, and treated as a friend. Jesus practiced radical hospitality, and as Christians, we are called to be “ministers of reconciliation.” (2 Corinthians 5:18) This means all people are welcome in our church, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, income, culture, or any other marker of status or identity. As we say before Communion each week: “Wherever you are on your journey of faith, this table is prepared for you.”


Christians often refer to Jesus as “Immanuel,” which means, “God among us,” or “God with us.”  When God “walked among us” in the person of Jesus, he showed us a transformative way of life: the Way of Jesus, which we call the Way of Love.  This is how we seek to live.  As Christ’s disciples in our time, we come to church each week to learn how to apply Jesus’s example to our own daily lives, as individuals and as a community.


St. Andrew’s is a beautiful place, and on any given Sunday you may experience flowers, candles, colored vestments, stained glass windows, hymns, organ music and ornate symbols.  Why?  Because now more than ever, we believe the world needs beauty.  Beautiful, inspiring worship expresses our awe of God.  Timeless rituals and practices connect us with our spiritual ancestors.  Worship nourishes our spirits, grounds us, and allows us to set aside the hustle bustle of modern life to become attuned to the sacred and eternal.


We know that many Christians throughout history have often failed to “walk humbly,” as the scripture teaches. (Micha 6:8) Yet, we strive to approach our faith with a genuine desire to learn, and an appreciation that we may not always hold every answer.  We proclaim and embrace the mystery of faith.  We believe in “living the questions.”  Despite our openness, our devotion to God runs deep.  We are committed to the transformative way of life we find in Jesus, who we promise to follow as our Lord and savior.


Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves. (Matthew 22:39) From sharing meals with the homeless in West Central, to comforting the families of prisoners, we are passionate about putting our faith into action.  Service is is not an afterthought at St. Andrew’s; it is at the very heart of our mission and calling as a community.  Each week we pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth…” because we long to transform the world, “from the nightmare it often is, into the dream that God intends.”  Thus, we seek to create a church which is a beacon of kindness in central Spokane.


For hundreds of years, Episcopalians (or Anglicans) have practiced the Via Media, or “middle way” between Catholicism and Protestantism. Our church seeks the truth between extreme positions.  While Christians may not always agree completely on “common doctrine,” we can always gather together under the same roof to share “common prayer” to the same God: our creator, redeemer, and sustainer. This principle of common worship despite diverse understandings is foundational to the Book of Common Prayer, and central to our identity as Episcopalians.


We believe sin in is the state of living out of alignment with God’s intention for us, or being centered in our own selfish impulses rather that in God’s will.  In sin, we become alienated from God and our relationship with him and with the world becomes distorted.  Confession means being honest about the ways we have failed to align ourselves with our deepest spiritual values, as individuals, as a community, as a church, and as a society.  We are all sinners, and at St. Andrew’s we seek forgiveness for the ways we have fallen short, without being judgmental of others.  Jesus said, “judge not, lest ye be judged.” (Matthew 7:1)


We believe that our God-given ability to think critically and solve problems is a gift. We agree with the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., who said, “Science investigates, religion interprets.  Science gives man knowledge which is power; religion gives man wisdom which is control.  Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals, they are complementary.”


We promise at baptism to “seek and serve Christ in all persons.” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 305) We believe every human being is created in the image of God, and is therefore of equal dignity in his eyes. (Genesis 1:27) As such, we affirm the full participation of women and our LGBT brothers and sisters in the life of the church, including in sacraments such as baptism, Holy Communion, and marriage. The Episcopal Church first ordained female priests over 40 years ago. At St. Andrew’s we were blessed by the ministry of Rev. Margaret Fisher, who served as our Rector from 2011 to 2017.  Today, we are fortunate to count Bishop Gretchen Rehberg as our region’s spiritual leader.


We believe God created the earth and everything in it, and “saw that it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31) As human beings, our faith calls us to be “stewards of the earth.”  We are obligated to care for and protect that which God has created and entrusted to us.  As Psalm 24 reminds us, “the earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it.”  At St. Andrew’s, we are inspired by the beauty, wonder, and magnificence of God’s creation in nature.


St. Andrew’s has been a part of north Spokane since 1928 and has touched thousands of lives in this community.  We belong to the Episcopal Church, founded in its current form in 1789, but which traces its roots to the Church of England’s start in the early 1500’s.  Our bishops trace their lines of spiritual authority to the early Church Fathers, just after the time of Christ.  We face many difficult challenges today.  But we draw strength from the knowledge that our Christian faith and Episcopal tradition has been preserved, forged, and renewed over thousands of years and dozens of generations.

Learn more about what we believe here.

We hope you will join us.