Joining St. Andrew’s
Presiding Bishop Edmond Browning
In his acceptance speech upon being elected Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in 1989, Bishop Edmond Browning famously declared: “I want to be very clear – this church of ours is open to all – there will be no outcasts.”
There are no outcasts at St. Andrew’s. We affirm the dignity of every human person and promise to seek and serve Christ in all people. You do not need to be an Episcopalian to be welcome to worship or to partake in the Eucharistic meal. Yes, we mean it: St. Andrew’s welcomes you. We affirm the full participation of women and our LGBTQ+ siblings in the sacraments and the life of the church. We believe LGBTQ+ people, and all people, are made in the image of God. Those who worship at St. Andrew’s are young and old, conservative and progressive, gay and straight, and in different places along their spiritual paths. Yet, here we believe: All are one in Jesus Christ. God’s love unites us, and knows no bounds! In God’s church, there are no outcasts.
If you’re thinking of attending or joining St. Andrew’s know that there is a place for you at God’s table.
Join us for Coffee Hour every week after service!
Learn more about “what to expect” during the service here. Immediately after worship, we gather for coffee and conversation in the main floor Guild Room, complete with warm beverages, warm company, and home baked goods. Coffee Hour typically lasts 30 to 45 minutes; grab a pastry (gluten free available!) and stay as long as you like! Some congregants share vegetables from their home gardens after harvest! If you’re new or visiting, you’re invited to join us for this time of fellowship. About 80% of worshippers typically stay for Coffee Hour, which is a great chance to get a feel for the community and connect with caring neighbors.
If you enjoyed worshipping with us and would like a member to reach out to you, please sign our guest book found on the table in the main entryway of the church.
We circulate a virtual newsletter weekly. Please let us know if you’d like to receive the newsletter by emailing If you’d like to be included in our member Directory, which is printed annually, or receive occasional letters or prayer cards from us, please provide us your contact information (and birthdate or anniversary, so we can pray for you on your special day!).
Baptism at St. Andrew’s!
In the Episcopal Church, Holy Baptism “is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble.” (Book of Common Prayer pg. 298) In baptism, God acts through grace to welcome us into the universal church family as his children.
At St. Andrew’s, Easter and the Bishop’s visit (every 1-2 years) are excellent occasions for baptism! Other scheduling options are available during Sunday services. We baptize both adults and infants. When infants are baptized, godparents act as sponsors and make vows for the child; the congregation promises to do all in its power to support the new Christian growing in faith and love.
Baptism is a profound and joyful sacrament available to all! If you are interested in being baptized or having your child baptized, please contact a member of the Bishop’s Committee or email the office at
St. Andrew’s members attend Spokane’s MLK Day March
There is no membership requirement needed to join with St. Andrew’s as we carry out acts of love and service in Spokane! Our congregation is active in sharing food with the hungry, and working for justice. We often solicit contributions of time, talent, or treasure to support various good works; anyone may join with us to support these efforts.
Members being confirmed by Bishop Rehberg
Those who wish to grow in faith and commitment may consider if they are being called to participate in confirmation.
Confirmation is a sacramental rite (or sacred ritual) in which a candidate who was baptized as a child expresses, “a mature commitment to Christ, and receives strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop.” (BCP, p. 860). Before being confirmed, the candidate typically engages in a period of study and conversation with a church member, such as the warden or another Bishop’s Committee member.
The word “Episcopal” means “governed by bishops.” Thus, the bishop plays an important role in the church by carrying on the teaching and ministry of Christ’s Apostles in our time and place. Bishops are called to represent the church and provide vision and leadership for their dioceses (or geographic areas).
Our Bishop in the Diocese of Spokane is the Rt. Rev. Gretchen Rehberg, who oversees St. Andrew’s and the 38 Episcopal congregations in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. If you’re interested in being confirmed, please contact a member of the Bishop’s Committee.
Bishop receives new members into the Episcopal Church at St. Andrew’s
To us at St. Andrew’s, what’s most important is that whoever we are, whatever our diverse backgrounds, we all come together at church to worship God and love each other and our neighbors! That’s why the idea of “Common Prayer” is so fundamental to us.
While there is no requirement to be Episcopalian to worship at St. Andrew's, you are invited to consider whether God may be calling you to formally become a part of our ancient, inclusive, and Christ-centered expression of the Christian faith. The Episcopal Church is a branch of Anglican Communion, one of the largest Christian bodies in the world with roots tracing back to the early Church fathers and mothers. Anglicans are often said to walk the “Via Media,” or middle way, between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism.
If you were baptized in another Christian fellowship, being baptized again is not necessary to become Episcopalian. If you wish to affiliate with the Episcopal Church, let us know you are interested in reception. During this liturgy, candidates make a public affirmation of faith and commitment to honor the baptismal covenant in the presence of a bishop, who says: “We recognize you as a member of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church, and we receive you into the fellowship of this Communion” (BCP, p. 418). Candidates for reception typically have been confirmed or baptized as an adult in another Christian fellowship.